Opiliones Wiki
Clinocippus albater - Ecuador - P Bertner
Clinocippus albater Roewer, 1932. Cranaidae, Ecuador. From flickr. Photo copyright © Paul Bertner [1]. Used with permission.







Cranainae Roewer, 1913 is the nominal subfamily of Cranaidae, with 142 species mainly from South America.

Included genera[]

Aguaytiella Goodnight & Goodnight, 1943
Alausius Roewer, 1932
Allocranaus Roewer, 1915
Angistrisoma Soares & Soares, 1948
Aucayacuella Avram, 1983
Balzabamba Mello-Leitão, 1945
Baustomus Roewer, 1932
Bucayana Mello-Leitão, 1942
Bunicranaus Roewer, 1913
Carsevennia Roewer, 1913
Cenipa Goodnight & Goodnight, 1943
Chetronus Roewer, 1932
Clinocippus Roewer, 1932
Cranaus Simon, 1879
Deriacrus Roewer, 1932
Digalistes Roewer, 1932
Diptyonius Roewer, 1932
Eucranaus Roewer, 1913
Guayaquiliana Mello-Leitão, 1935
Holocranaus Roewer, 1913
Homocranaus Roewer, 1915
Idomenta Roewer, 1932
Iquitosa Roewer, 1943
Isocranaus Roewer, 1915
Kendima Roewer, 1932
Ladantola Roewer, 1932
Mecritta Roewer, 1932
Megacranaus Roewer, 1913
Meridia Roewer, 1913
Metacranaus Roewer, 1913
Neocranaus Roewer, 1913
Panalus Goodnight & Goodnight, 1947
Paracranaus Roewer, 1913
Parkocranaus Mello-Leitão, 1949
Peripa Roewer, 1925
Phalangodus Gervais, 1842
Phareicranaus Roewer, 1913
Puna Roewer, 1925
Sibundoxia Roewer, 1963
Spinicranaus Roewer, 1913
Spirunius Roewer, 1932
Stygnicranella Caporiacco, 1951
Tetracranaus Roewer, 1963
Timotesa Roewer, 1943
Tripilatus Roewer, 1932
Ventrifurca Roewer, 1913
Ventripila Roewer, 1917
Ventrisudis Roewer, 1963
Ventrivomer Roewer, 1913
Zannicranaus Kury, 2012
